
Elohim speaks- on Margie

Margie has been receiving messages and guidance from the Elohim Consciousness for over 20 years. Here Margaret asks The Elohim to speak about her and her connection to their higher vibrations and how she receives messages from them.

Margie: It’s time, it’s time to speak of who I am, of where I came from, of all I know to be true. We start this now, with the simple question of 

“Who Am I?”

Well well, its time you say. Hooray!! Finally, you have come to us with pen and paper, ready to unfold the mystery, or should we say remembering soul #23015967132. This number actually goes on for another 26 moves, but it is unimportant. We know you by your vibration and light frequency. For it is your energy that is your fingerprint identification on the other dimension Zantron.


Yes, Zantron. It is a dimension, one of many a million dimensions. Yours is that of good, of aspiration, and forward thought, your wish is to advance other souls so that they too divinely lead others to move mountains in thought and move belief systems into the next coming.

The Future

That is a time where higher vibrational elements used are an everyday event. That it is not unusual to have your vibration reinstated to that which you were before you came to carry burden and concern, doubt, fear, or aloneness. For that is a big one, never before has a civilisation lived with little to no connection to the stars and from whence they came. This is not a question or a separation of those who believe from those that don’t.

For what this is, an alignment to that which you are and from that which YOU ARE, you identify that which you are not. A-ha!…. that is some gold right there!

If more humans thought more deeply on that which they ARE, separation and division would cease to exist, for that which we are, is LOVE, unequivocally and wholly LOVE.

Heart Space.

Margie: This sounds all rainbows and puppies.
But rainbows and puppies are good, they resonate within our heart spaces. And that which resonates in your heart space is your true essence. We all come in as babies with big eyes, in need of love and life.

From there anything else is an additional add on to all your needs. It is a shame that so many disregard or forget the 2 real needs. And then add on bigoted opinions and beliefs that are far from their original source-self.

Love IS.

We digress, we have drifted from your question. We apologise. The answer is LOVE dear one. LOVE IS WHO you ARE. LOVE AND LIGHT.

Holder of light for people in the darkness.

Torch of God.

Margie: WOW! OK! Where AM I when I am not incarnated here on Earth, having the human experience?


That is the simplest answer and the one that most other humans will accept, as it is open to their own interpretation and influence. They can add on religious inference, or non-belief at all.

The Elohim

Margie: So for me, so that I understand myself better of Whom Am I? I feel I am part of a group consciousness ALONE is something I absolutely don’t associate with how I feel, when I am not in human.

Group consciousness of The ELOHIM.

Margie: Ahhh. This word has come up so many times in my receiving messages. Many end with “Love the ELOHIM”

Yes the ELOHIM is a broad heading for the energy specific group you are under. We know you have received message that you are part of the brotherhood of light. That too is another broad category you could include yourself in, but most correct description would be the Great White Brotherhood of the Elohim. See what we did there? Ha! For you are purest light of Elohim first.

Second you work in cahoots with the Great White Brotherhood. GWB for short. When you set about on missions.

The Elohim Quantum Field

You reside in the ELOHIM quantum field. This is the energy you connect with that has you feel whole and at peace. This is HOME for you. Your family in spirit is the ELOHIM. You can be with them when you choose it. Although part of your agreement this time was you could work for the team while here on Earth and that you would not seek early exit, as we know your heart has felt drawn to this, it was your brothers and sisters in the light that grounded you here.

Has that answered that question efficiently?

Margie: Yes, thank you.

Read more about who is The Elohim Consciousness.

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