
You Are The Torch

8.4.2020 (Amidst Covid 19 Isolation.)

Channeled by, Margie Moore

The Change

The precipice.

The beginning of world change.

WE have planned for this. It is dirty and its far from pretty. Is it no surprise that you will see human life at its worst and most fragile, before you see new life spawn, new beginnings. Sometimes as in the bush fires, we need to completely cleanse and area, devoid it of life forms, so that we can start a new, grow something completely different to what was there originally. Sometimes this is what must happen, for the next advancement of life in that area. And this you must trust.

This is all in the plan.

We need to show you the darkness before we shine the light, so that when you see the light again, you feel its beauty, you see its light and its life giving properties.

It is time for you to see human life in its contrast. To see that which is dark, next to that which is light, so that you can see the transference between the two. So that you can see how one influences the other, and to some degree they compete for the same space. But we ask you , can there really be darkness when there is light. Can you have light in the darkness.

We can see now you can have both. But what a struggle it is dear ones, to see them both try and take up the same space.

Can you see now why they are quite different, and that where one is, the other doesn’t want to reside and vice versa. Can you remember the original yin yang, how there was a defining line between the two, but then you look closer you can see that one exists within the other.

Yes, that is what is happening now. And sometimes you will feel completely surrounded by one and then the other. What is being created though is balance of power.



There is light at the end of all of this.

It may not appear at a global level, but for change to happen at a global level it must first start with 1 does it not. It must first start with one, and then 2.

Just as this virus spreads from person to person, so too can the light, and as you have seen lately, the darkness too.

But please do not underestimate the light, and how like a torch that never extinguishes, it can be passed from one to another. Sometimes the flame will be low and barely visible, sometimes it will burn bright and warm. It doesn’t not matter how much of the flame you carry at this time, what matters is that you are the torch, and so are you, and you, and you. And together you will continue to pass the torch to others, igniting one after the other after the other.

Be the light now, dim, warm, bright, be the light. Be that transference of all that is good within each of you. Spread that like wild fire, rampant, passionate. Know that every person you touch with your light right now, can light a fire so great in them, they will never return to the darkness in which they once resided.

Now you can make a difference. It is within each personal transaction, each smile, each warm exchange, you can show people how to be, and more often than ever before, they will ignite their own flame, they will remember. They will see, what you have seen all along.

That which they can be.

That which they are


Thank you

Team of light.

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