
I feel love for the world. I see all people, in all situations. I see life experiences from the bigger picture, of being removed. An advanced Soul. I understand the lessons.

I find the physical body foreign and limiting, but understand my need to have one, so that I can be a real-time expression of the divine. So many of you couldn’t see me if I didn’t have this flesh model. I get that now.

But I am more familiar to working through vibration and thought impression. That one vibe affects another.

Words- physically sounded out are new, and the sound itself distracts me from what I am wanting to project. Again- I need to use words, your language, for you to be able to see me, understand me and the lessons I bring.

I am a solution finder and solutions to me are vibrational packets. In various shapes and vibrations depending on what you want to achieve.

I know that the one healing vibration that will heal anything is love. But that is too broad a statement to use.

Instead I have broken it down in various bite size pieces. Wrapped it in a way you will understand using appropriate language. Language that will effect change in how you are feeling. In changing how you are feeling, I change your vibration, in changing your vibration I change the outcome, your experience.


Written by Margaret Moore 2019.


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