
Are You A Lightworker? Why Earth Needs YOU! Part 1.

Are You A Lightworker?
Earth Needs YOU!
Remembering Your Purpose.

 Part 1.

My Wish For Each Of You

My wish for each of you is that you realise and accept fact that you ARE a divine spark. You each carry an amazing light, an amazing ability, an amazing talent. It can be an attitude, persistence, reliability, that you are funny or kind, or able to shine amongst chaos. The ability to help others when most can’t. It could be bravery, honesty, kindness, tenderness, understanding and compassion. Any one of these could be your Gold, that one thing that makes YOU special! That has YOU stand out from the crowd.

What is it that YOU do best?
What is it that you came to show us?
What do you have that no one else does?

Hear Your Heart’s Song

Only you know your true heart song, only you know what your deepest dream, your inner yearning, what is it that you seek to scream from the mountain top? What do you have to share?

I for one want to hear about it.

Remember there is nothing more attractive than someone speaking with passion about what lights a fire in their centre. It is these people I wish to listen to.

What Is Your Story?

I’m ready to listen.

Lightworkers, usually have an inner knowing that there is something different about them! Something unique and special! That they have a deeper purpose for being here on Earth at this particular time. Are you a lightworker?

DO you feel that you have a deeper purpose, something very deep and meaningful that you wish to share with others?

I’d love to hear what you feel is your special talent?
The world is full of such incredible souls. It’s to each of you I speak to now.
Step up, step out, separate from the masses and hold up your light.

For the world needs every day hero’s now.
I know you are one of them. But do YOU?

Have you felt it within you, that thing you have always wished to be…..It’s calling louder now, listen in the quiet, here your inner most desire.
Now be brave and tell someone.

We all have great ability to influence the energy of the world. It takes just one in the beginning to step forward and say “I” and in this case it’s me (Margie).

What I Want YOU To Know

I wish to share my absolute inner knowing of life beyond Earth. Life in spirit, life within different galaxies, life on many different dimensions.

There is so much more to the soul, that I wish to share with you.
There is more life outside of Earth than what is here ON Earth.

How does that make you feel?

Want to know more about Margie and her Divine Connection to The Elohim?

What is The Elohim?

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