The Same, Not Different. Channeled by Margie Moore, 3rd April 2018.

I started writing this blog, with the feeling that the message was in relation to the Universal Law of Karma, but it soon revealed the more important message, for today’s world. That we are in fact The Same, Not Different.

*Also, note that this message is a channeled message from a higher being who refers to themself as Elijah. I have been in connection with Elijah and have been receiving channelled messages from them for nearly 20 years.


Karma is the law of the universe, that which you do to another, will be done to you.

For the law needs balance, constantly altering this fine balance between loved ones. We call them loved ones as each of you, to us, are different representations of the one universal love.

That is actually what we wish to discuss, your timely realisation, that you are in fact part, an essential part of the divine plan, each of you.


Your connectedness to each other is what we wish to speak of, the oneness that each of you share at a light level.
As expressions of light, you came to be in human form, that in itself unites us.
To each other, the fact that you have become form unites you.
You are part of the many, and the many are part of you.

The Same, Not Different.

So, dear ones, as you are each connected, why do you force yourselves apart?
Why do you seek to isolate difference?

Why look for what is different, as opposed to what is the same?
You all seek love, food, shelter, community and oneness, at the same time seeking individuality, change and point of difference. That would all be fine if you just looked for all that is the same first,

For then, you would find there is no need to seek difference at all.





Channeled by Margie Moore.


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