Great White Brotherhood – Channelled 21st Feb 2018.

The Universe Has Your Back, That’s For Certain.

The light is becoming more powerful, but we need you to up the wattage here. For there is darkness around, and its pressing in at the moment. That is what you are feeling. The oppression, as each soul loses faith that we are going to win the good fight.

The fight for LOVE.

ALLOW LOVE to be your guiding light. We need all of you to turn your heads to the sky and believe in us. We see you, we are working overtime at the moment, shedding light on each one of you. Most of you don’t notice us, shining on. But we do, all round the clock.

But we are waning too, as we sadden when we see one lose faith. For that is the act of evil, when darkness extinguishes yet another light.

Hold On

This can’t be you dear one, we need you to hold on, and we feel you faltering, under the heaviness that surrounds. We ask you to be stronger. Be stronger than you have ever been. Yes, we know this is a big ask, as you have already been so brave. To hang your sign out for the world to see. They need to see it more than ever!

Look Up!

Don’t look around you at the debris, at the breaking hearts, at the tired souls who have already done so much. Don’t look at your wounded friends and loved ones. Look up dear one, look up, keep your eyes on the shining star in the night time sky, as we light that star for you each night so that you can see home and how we are there loving you feeding you the energy of home. We want you to succeed. We want you to be us, be our presence on Earth, for we cannot get there and incarnate quick enough at the moment, but walk-ins will be many. There will be an epidemic of walk-ins as that is our only other way to access more hearts.

Stand Strong

Please please stand strong. And look up……
That is the only way you are going to get through this darkness that surrounds you at the moment. Look up.
Whenever your attention moves to that which brings you down or brings you sadness or tiredness, don’t look.
Don’t look.
Like a war zone, it will do you no good to see the unravelling of those souls…. Don’t watch, it hurts us too
You must be strong
You must lead
You must look up
You must hold faith when others lose theirs


If that’s all we can get through to you, have faith!



We are so close, if only you could feel our angel wings wrap around you and enclose you in the love of home you so need to feel right now.
Know we hold you,
Know we kneel beside you while you sleep,
Honouring you,
Giving you strength,
Wishing you to hang in there.
We will lose many dear one,
Good people with good hearts,
Pure souls.

They can’t stand the energy density here anymore.
They are going to step out,
And it will touch your life,
And it will feel unfair.
Honour their soul’s now
Know that they can’t go on.
It’s too much.
Even we will honour them on their return, to spirit.

We honour each of you.
Yes, we are sad,
but we understand.
We understand.

(heads bowed)


Great White Brotherhood


Channelled by Margaret Moore

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