Why I’m Breaking Up With Coffee!

COFFEE- Who wants one?


But I won’t!

Why not?

Spirit has told me to give it up.

I have been addicted to my morning coffee for more than 10 years now.

You know what else has been around in the last 10 years. ANXIETY

Yep the good old’ “A” word! ANXIETY!

I understand that life in all its glory can definitely play a major role in the development or exacerbation of anxiety. And that is also true for me. But coffee definately doesn’t help!

Bottom line is
Spirit has told me to give it up.

Yep, that voice in my head I hear daily, the whispers of spiritual guidance, whispered these dreaded words, “It’s time for you to let go of coffee”  as I heard those words, it hurt so bad, NOOOOOOOOO!!! My human self-screamed back, Not my COFFEE!!!! Hahahha.

These words rang true, I knew I felt more anxious after a coffee, I knew it set an over-stimulated buzz to my morning, I knew I was unhealthily hooked on that buzz.

So, I agreed.

As I lay my head on the pillow at night, the words were whispered again.
I replied in thought “Yes! great idea! I’ll definitely do that tomorrow morning. DEFINITELY!!

As soon as my feet hit the floor that next morning, where did they take me to?
The COFFEE machine! One sweet little bean with its fragrant promise of joy and much-needed energy!
Whirr Whirr Whirr! I’d already popped the perfect amount of coffee grounds in for the most delectable cup of Joy!

From there it has been a Groundhog Day scenario.

Night time, spirit whispers, I reply
“I know I know DEFINITELY tomorrow!”

Feet hit floor, I walk to coffee machine, Whirr! Whirr!

But this Monday, I listened, and I started to reduce the amount of coffee I had in my cup,

Human VS Bean

By day 2 spirit were looking on, watching eagerly, hopeful, slightly amused at my human struggle, human versus bean! It is very amusing to them, I watched them smile their cheeky smiles.

In fact, it irked me on to prove them I could, That I was a spiritual being first, that I can indeed sit peacefully in my current vibration, without a “vice”.

So, I have kept on reducing daily, and I am now down to half my normal amount. This Easter weekend is it. This is where I can see the finish line.

It’s Over Between Us

As this morning I looked at the dribble of a coffee shot I got to slurp down, it looked pitiful, cut down by half, barely a real coffee. It was then, I looked at it, the coffee looked back

“It’s, over isn’t it? This thing between us?

We both agreed. We couldn’t go on like this with both of us only putting half of our best self forward.

We both averted eye contact with each other, in fear of triggering the first tears of sadness and loss……

I gulped down the small brew.

I know this is hilarious, But I’m sure you can feel my pain hahahaha A separation of old friends, comrades through the highs and lows of life……hahah…. I have to laugh…

Move Forward

But from here I move forward.
With the promise that I will listen to spirit,

I know there is a bigger plan for my growth and a deeper level of connection that spirit wishes us to have with me. Letting go of coffee is just Step 1.

I know that with a cleaner body, with no outside influence of substance, I will see clearer, feel deep clarity and connection, and that is absolutely what I want for myself and what I wish for my clients to have the most connected healer and spiritual guide.

With love and blessings

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