Leaving Earth School (Passing Over)

I wanted to cry…
I felt a rush of sadness come over me, as I felt she was leaving soon.
Leaving Earth School.

I wanted to cry, but was shown to step out of my humanness for this one. For me to be able to do a good job, I had to separate from how “I” felt about what I was feeling/seeing for her.

I started to question,
But was instead guided to stand in my God energy,
To connect with
My higher soul,
To deliver love,
To deliver service.
To be of service,
To another soul,
To lift them high,
Free from their concerns.

To ground them
In loving light,

To help them,
Reach new heights,
Of what is possible
Now their time on Earth
Comes to a close.
Let go of their physical clothes
Their flesh
Their woes.

To stand pure and free
As soul
Travelling home
To the light from whence
They came.

They return home to God
To go to their final resting bed,
In the warm heart of God’s love.
To be at home with the angels.
To be at home with their loved ones
Their best friends,
Their angels and spirit guides.
All there to celebrate the rise of their soul.

To be,
Where it is meant to be,

Love is all there is.
And so it is.

Margaret Moore. Copyright 2018.

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