Verbal Abuse- How It Affects Your Chakras.

Verbal Abuse- How It Affects Your Chakras.

It has come to my attention that more beautiful clients than I wish to admit have at some stage in their lives experienced verbal abuse. I include myself in this category and so speak from personal experience.

I have seen this in many females that have come to my clinic, and I am sure there are many men who have also experienced this form of abuse.

I think sometimes we count ourselves lucky that it was ‘just’ verbal and not physical abuse. But from my experience in energy healing, it does in fact, have a very real effect on your energy body and its chakras. Specifically, your brow chakra.


When looking at the chakra, I see damage to the front of the chakra. This can appear to me like a beautiful mandala painting that has been splattered. All the colours have mixed together and this now appears as a black splodge. The outer edge of the chakra is no longer smooth and is in fact frayed.


This kind of chakra damage from verbal assault, is confronting for me to see, as I know the enormity of detrimental effects this imbalance will have played out in the client’s life. But also, there is some serious energy repair work to be done.


I am up to the job; I will always do everything in my power to restore health to the chakra. This may take a few treatments, but my experience shows that the chakra can be repaired, to good functional health. This involves removing the trauma, releasing the emotion from the situation and cutting ties where appropriate to the abuser. Also, utilizing advanced energy healing shielding techniques.


I am able to carry out all of the above in approximately 3 sessions. Each case will be treated individually. I will follow my intuitive guidance as to the best pathway to healing for you.


I will hold space for you to heal from this chakra damage.

I will do all that I can to promote health within the chakra and work to repair structural damage to the chakras surface. This will improve energy flow through your entire energy body. This will bring greater balance and energy flow within your body. Empowering you to move forward in your life.




Margaret Moore. Copyright 2018.





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