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On Death & Dying

I was shown an interesting vision of death and dying in my meditation today.


I first felt that I was in a vehicle leaving the earth behind, I could see myself leaving, the distance getting greater between the Earth and I, the earth shrinking in size in my vision.


I was looking at the individual continents as if they were each my children. And with tears in my eyes, and angst in my heart as I knew these were my last moment to make a difference, I was whole-heartedly sending love to each of them, wishing that they felt my love for them, pleading my love for them wouldn’t end.


The pain grew as I got further away, and just as it became really emotional, there was release.


The moment of separation from the body, from earthly physicality.


It felt like the first moments that you submerge into a hot bath, the first few seconds it feels odd and you need to adjust and that point you reach after 5 seconds when you feel weightless, and surrounded by softness. You are buoyant and relaxed. Bliss.


That is feeling when your soul is released from the physical form. Bliss.




I was then shown perspective on our earth lives. In relation to a 7-day Gold Coast holiday. (I know right!?)


I was being shown the seemingly short amount of time we spend in an earthly incarnation.


Most people will take a week-long trip to the gold coast at some stage. Some go each year, some maybe once in 3 years. For 1 week. But you say to yourself, that’s not much time, it’s not very long. but we will have a good time and then we will return to our usual routine.


hang on, how many weeks in a year? 52, and we will go to the gold coast for 1?

the 51 other weeks we will be at home (pure consciousness).




WHOA! ok, I get it.

Earth life put into universal perspective.


Lesson learnt.

With Thanks,

Margie Moore. July 2019.



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