
Uncomfortable, I must go within.


This pain,
unable to help you all.

It hurts so much to say no!
Not yet!
I’m healing
I’m getting better.

I’m transforming,
I just need some more time
To go inside
and find
the me
the best me
that I can be
the best me
I can see
The way to help you.

Taking away my energy to heal,
has actually had a huge impact on how I feel
about what I do.
About how I help
How I guide
and urge you on.

I’m stuck,
going around in circles
looking between the worlds
for answers
to why
Why am I left,
just looking at the sky
looking home
The stars,
I see.
Reflecting back to me.

I understand what I am here to do.
I understand all that you asked me to be
Its right in front of me
each time I hear you cry
I know I must reach inside,
and help

It is time
it is time to be

Written by Margie Moore Copyright 2019.




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